Traditionally, real estate investment has been seen as a passive strategy. However, owning rental properties involves significant efforts, including buying properties, conducting inspections, locating tenants, and managing the properties and handling maintenance issues.

With Exor Assets, investors have the opportunity to invest in a range of global commercial real estate opportunities. Our company takes care of all property management tasks, offering a truly hands-off real estate investment experience.

A strategy to grow value

A conventional growth strategy involves investing in assets that are expected to appreciate in value over the long term. For those who follow the buy-and-hold approach in real estate investing, this means buying properties with the potential for appreciation, with the goal of realizing a profit when the properties are sold. Additionally, ideal properties may generate quarterly returns during the ownership period.

Real estate investment can be appealing to growth investors due to its lower volatility compared to the stock market and its history of producing higher long-term gains. On Exor Assets, some investment opportunities allow distributions to be reinvested, maximizing the benefit of compound interest.

Many investors believe that they have protected themselves against the ups and downs of the public markets by having a diverse portfolio that includes various asset classes, such as stocks and bonds. However, to achieve true diversification, it may be wise for investors to consider incorporating primary alternative assets like real estate.